Being a Teacher in the Process of Change and Transformation” talk by Prof. Alipasa Ayas
Prof. Alipasa Ayas, Dean of the Faculty of Education, talked in the panel entitled “Being a Teacher in the Process of Change and Transformation” organized by the Faculty of Education, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University. Prof. […]
Teachers’ Day Celebration
Here are a few photos from our Teachers’ Day celebration. Dr. Ateskan talked about being a teacher. Prof. Margaret Sands, the founding director of the Graduate School of Education, and our dean, Prof. Alipaşa Ayas […]
Dr. Ateskan and Dr. Ayas attends USOS-2024
Dr Armagan Ateskan, the chair of the Basic Education Department, and Prof. Alipaşa Ayas, the dean of the Faculty of Education, attended the 22nd International Classroom Teacher Education Symposium (USOS-2024) held in Şanlıurfa on 12-15 […]
Sharing in Education and Classroom Teaching Workshop
On October 12, the Bilkent University Board of Trustees organized the “Sharing in Education and Classroom Teaching” workshop. Bilkent University started accepting students into its Classroom Teaching Program, under the Faculty of Education’s Department of […]
Opening Speech by Prof. Alipasa Ayas
Prof. Dr. Alipaşa Ayas will give the opening speech at the 22nd International Classroom Teacher Education Symposium (USOS-2024) to be held in Şanlıurfa on 12-15 November 2024. We wish all participants a productive symposium.
Welcome to Our First Cohort
The Department of Classroom Teaching welcomes to its first cohort. In this meeting, Prof. Alipasa Ayas, the dean of the facult of education, and the Dr. Armagan Ateskan, the chair of classroom teaching department, introducted […]